28 iun. 2016

Bratara handmade Five elements

Fiecare amanunt al tinutei noastre vorbeste despre noi, amestecul de texturi, modele, culori, materiale toate imbinate, spun  povestea noastra !
Iar aceasta este povestea care mie imi place: boem, liber, si un pic de hippy :)
Bratara Five Elements contine pe langa accesoriile din cupru si  margelele din acril si sticla, chipsuri din piatra semipretioasa: goldstone.

Every detail of our outfit talks about us. The mixture of textures, patterns, colors and materials all combined, tell our story!
 And this is the story that I like: bohemian, free, and a little hippy :)
 Five Elements bracelet contains besides accessories copper and acrylic and glass beads, semiprecious stone chips: Goldstone.



Cateva cuvinte despre Goldstone sau Piatra soarelui

Se spune ca aceasta piatra semipretioasa ne ajuta sa ne atingem telurile dar si sa ramanem calmi in momentele dificile, stabilizandu-ne emotiile. Goldstone mai este folosita ca un generator de energie si poate elimina energiile nedorite, fiind astfel foarte buna pentru protectia aurica.
 Este, de asemenea, utilizata pentru vindecare la distanta, putand  revitaliza campului energetic al unei persoane. Goldstone are, de asemenea, multe dintre proprietățile metafizice ale cuprului, inclusiv in vindecarea cu cristale, facilitand  intarirea sistemului circulator, intarirea oaselor si calmarea durerilor artritice.
Bratara a fost astfel construita incat sa cuprinda toate cele 5 elemente (pamant, apa, foc, aer, eter) amplificand astfel efectul de generator de energie al acestei pietre a soarelui.

A few words about the Stone Goldstone

 They say this gemstone helps us achieve our goals but to remain calm in difficult moments, stabilizing our emotions. Goldstone is used as a power generator and can eliminate unwanted energies, thus very good for auric protection.

It is also used for healing at a distance, can revive a person's energy field. Goldstone has also many metaphysical properties of copper, including crystal healing, facilitating strengthening the circulatory system, strengthen bones and arthritic pain killers.
The bracelet was constructed to contain all 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether)  thus amplifying the effect of generating energy of this GOLDstone. 

"Nu fii sclava trendurilor! Nu lasa moda sa te conduca. Tu singura trebuie sa hotarasti cine esti si ce vrei sa transmiti prin modul in care te imbraci si iti traiesti viata" Gianni Versace

be unique, be free, be original! :)


Vezi intreaga colectie SHEHEREZADA


See entire collection SHEREREZADA



9 iun. 2016

Bratara Santorini Blue

Bratara realizata pentru concursul Santorini blue  (unde a luat locul III)
 Bratara UNICAT, din fimo, magic glitter, pigmenti, cochilii de melci si accesorii metalice aurii.
Lungime bratara : 20cm + 2cm inchizatoarea
Latime maxima 5,5cm
O puteti comanda AICI

Bracelet made for the contest Santorini blue (where it finished in third position)
UNIQUE bracelet from Fimo, magic glitter pigments, snail shells and gold metallic accessories
Bracelet length: 20cm + 2cm clasp
Maximum width 5.5cm


Insula Santorini iti opreste respiratia prin frumusetea ei. Alb, albastru, stradute mici, flori, arome, culori, magari, taverne, vinuri ametitor de dulci, prapastii, privelisti desprinse parca din cartile postale, apusuri perfecte, marea si cerul atat de albastre cum nu credeam ca pot exista. Turisti care au venit in vacanta si care, indragostindu-se iremediabil de insula, si-au gasit de lucru acolo si nu s-au mai intors in tara lor. Acest lucru cred ca spune suficient despre insula care te prinde in mrejele ei.

Dand click pe imagine puteti vedea toate minunatiile inscrise in concurs

The beauty of Santorini island  is breathtaking! White, blue, small streets, flowers, flavors, colors, donkeys, taverns, wine intoxicating by its sweetness , views seem to emerge from postcards, perfect sunsets, the sea and the sky so blue as I did not think could exist. Tourists who came on vacation and who falling in love hopelessly by this island, found work there and have not returned to their country. I think this says enough about the island  which  catch you in their entangling nets.

By clicking on the image you can see all the wonders that entered the competition
